64 words of Remek’s RAAM

In English, Race Across America 2014, Wyścigi
22 lip 2014 22:59

I came up with idea of RAAM in 2006. My maximum distance was 120 km. I created a plan to annually increase the distance by an average of 50%. A year later, the Jura Marathon (191 km), then Pętla Drawska (Drawska Loop, 300 km), ultra marathon in Swinoujscie (400 km), Bałtyk-Bieszczady Tour (race across Poland, 1008 km) 2 times, Race Around Austria 2 times (1600 km and 2200km), and finally RAAM (4800). RAAM was originally planed for 2015, but for some reasons I decided to do it one year earlier.

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